Dorothea Goder - der künstlerische Blick

über die Künstlerin

Dorothea Goder's Bilder öffnen dem Betrachter den Blick in Welten, die das bloße Auge meist gar nicht wahrnimmt. Die Strukturen der Natur und Umwelt werden in ihren Bildern zu Kunstwerken, die dem Betrachter Farbe und Struktur auf einer neuen Ebene vermittelt.

about the artist

The pictures taken by Dorothea Goder are gates that open the view into worlds that the eye usually does not recognize. The structure of the world and nature captured in her her photos morph into artworks showing the colors and structres of the objects on a new level.


flowersflowersflowersflowers flowersflowersflowersflowers flowersflowersflowersspacew flowersflowersflowersflowers flowersflowersspacew flowersflowersflowersflowers flowersflowersflowersflowers flowersflowersflowersflowers flowersflowers spacew flowersflowersflowersflowers flowersflowersflowersflowers flowersflowersflowersflowers flowersflowersflowersflowersspacew winterwinterwinter

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